Leadership Education Training (LET) is administered by retired and regular Army personnel assigned to the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps at Fishburne Military School. “To Motivate Young People to be Better Citizens” is the mission statement of the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) program. FMS JROTC teaches the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline.
JROTC 部门致力于推广每位学员在未来生活和职业生涯中取得成功所需的广泛的终身技能。 FMS利用军事结构作为教授领导力和责任感的工具,学生将体验到一个更有条理和纪律的环境。这包括关于陆军 JROTC 的历史、习俗、传统和宗旨的课堂和实验室教学。核心价值观是通过专门为帮助年轻人而设计的课堂和现场活动来教授的:
- 培养他们终身学习的能力
- 使用口头、非口头、视觉和书面技术进行交流
- 为自己的行为和选择负责
- 在学校、社区、国家和世界上做一个好公民
- 尊重自己和他人
- 应用批判性思维技巧